Thursday, October 4, 2012


Bingo was in a shelter and had no chance of being adopted.   A voluteer for another group saw him and emailed me.    He was terrified there, and was huddled in the corner of the kennel.   But, he crawled forward to timidly lick the fingers of the volunteer.    How could I say no to that!
Here he is after he got out of the shelter-- all smiles and love. He weighs just under 15 pounds and is probably about ten--we're guessing. He has skin that needs help, but we can fix that. He is loving, and making himself right at home with his foster mom.  
Bingo is a wonderful Peke, and he wants his own forever home.   He can run up the steps with no problem and enjoys a nice walk, where he just trots along beside you.     If you would like to give this older boy a home to live his life, just let us know.    Seniors need a chance, and they may not have as many years to give you, but they sure have enough love.    Do you have room to love him?       Welcome to rescue, Bingo!!   Thank you, Diana, for rescuing him!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you got Bingo out of the kennels - he looks just beautiful and it sounds like he has a wonderful personality!!!
