Friday, November 30, 2012


Paige and Danni's Mocha passed away.    He was one of her fosters that stayed with  her, and he loved her so much.     He had some health problems, but kept rallying.     He was in congestive  heart failure and it suddenly got worse.   Mocha was fifteen years old.    We're so sorry for his loss.   Rest in peace, sweet boy.


Thor is Teddy Bear's new brother.   He is dressed up as an Inca dog.   He is a wonderful Peke and he loves his brother Teddy Bear (formerly Henry).
Teddy Bear was a senior Peke who was adopted from us.   I love the seniors-- they are so loving and it's rewarding to know they can have loving years left to give a new mom or dad.     
We have other seniors who need homes.   Would you open your heart to one of them?   
Click here: henryteddy - YouTube

Thursday, November 29, 2012


 Coco and MoiMoi are getting ready for the holidays in Australia.     It's hot there for Christmas, so don't expect them to be in holiday sweaters!
 I know that hot or cold, they will expect some Christmas treats though.   And maybe a gift or two.
Coco, I know you heard me say TREAT!!    I think your mom will have plenty for you!   Do you say Merry Christmas or Happy Christmas there?  Either way, I know it will be wonderful!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Paddington is doing great in his foster home in Virginia Beach.   He is so sweet, loves to cuddle and is good friends with his foster dogs.    He's ready for a home! ;-)


 In S.E. Virginia, we don't usually get a lot of snow, but it can get cold.  Okay, not cold like in Minnesota, but cold for us.    Dogs who are let out quickly and for short times are usually fine, but some need extra layers when outside.    Scooter above, has a nice coat and he loves the snow.    This picture was taken when he was younger, but now he has some  "old man" issues with his back and I don't let him stay out long.    
Cranberry LOVES LOVES LOVES the snow.   When she was younger, she would do the "snow dance" and pray for snow to come.   She almost disappears out there!     There are many winter concerns for our pets and SPEAKING FOR SPOT talks about them.   Please read the article in this link to know how to keep your pet safe in the winter.     Most thinks you will know, but some are good to be reminded of.   Stay safe and warm!
Click here: Ten Tips for Winterizing Your Pets «

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Trio, on the left, was adopted from us and she has a Peke sister, Arbie, and a baby sister, Grace.    This is a Peke loving family-- all the family members have Pekes!     They have decided to make a Christmas donation to Peke rescue in honor of their precious little girl.    THANK YOU!!     And hug all three of your little ones --2 leg and 4 leg-- for us!   (Trio got her name because it was her new mom and dad's third anniversary-- what a great way to remember!)


As the year draws to a close, we are posting some fundraisers to helps raise funds for our precious foster dogs.     We get requests on a very regular basis to take in more-- some we have no choice but to say no.  And that is so difficult.  It's not often, but it hurts our heart.    The ones we do take need multiple medical procedures.    So, every bit helps.  To all of you who have supported us in funds, caring, loving thoughts-- thank you!    We know in this economy, there is not as much  money to go around.    If you can use one of these fundraisers to buy gifts or something for yourself, here are the links!   We-- and our Pekes-- say THANK YOU!   (You can log in at the top of the screen so that our rescue get credit.)   Scentsy is a great way to buy gifts for yourself and others.

For those who like Fondue, here's your link:


We received a request to take in this 3 year old boy.    I gave him the name Piper-- it's Christmas and you know all about the 11 Pipers piping.   Right?    Twelve Drummers drumming, 11 Pipers Piping, Ten Lords-a-Leaping...     You know the song.   
After getting his vaccines and lab work done, he came home with me.  It looked like two Cranberry's in the yard-- but Piper is nice. :-)   Cranberry was giving him her "don't come near me" growl.    She is such a snit.
Scooter comes up to encourage Piper to come his way.  Scooter is my therapy dog for the new ones.
And Piper went with Scooter.    Piper weighs almost 13 pounds, and is a fluffy, sweet dog.   He does need nasal fold surgery on his eyes, those folds are right in there.
He's checking out my yard-- leaves all over.
He followed Scooter-- Piper fit right in.   Not a mean bone in his body.
I think they're sharing secrets here.    So sweet!   I did a video-- I should have stopped it a few seconds sooner, but oh, well.   I didn't know Piper had business to do.    It still shows what a sweet boy he is.   Click here: piper - YouTube

Monday, November 26, 2012


 Just in case you think that all I do is Pekingese rescue, let me give you another side of  my life.    We had a BUSY week-end.    Kai Kai is exhausted and is totally out on the couch.  I'm ready to join him.
 We had eight dogs here-- I know that's nothing compared to a few other people, but it's a lot here.    My daughter was in town with her kids and dogs, my other daughter lives down the street with her family (and Beach Bit!) and her two dogs.    Drill Bit above, was having a great time in the living room-- which is now a giant toy room.  He was  playing under the grand piano.    Lots of toys there.
 Bitty Bit was in the yard, and you can see a leaf on her sweater.  Yes, they were playing in the leaf piles.
 Drill Bit used his hoe to help get the leaves into a pile.
 Then, Lil Bit (who is now 9!) and Bitty Bit (who is 5) decided Poppy should bury them under the piles of leaves.
 That was fun!
 Drill Bit say, "HI MISS JEANNE."   I think he wants a hug!
My husband, the greatest grand-pa "Poppy" was very willing to take piles of leaves over them.    And then, today, everyone went home. Oh my, the house is a wreck of toys, but we had so much fun.    Butterscotch was adopted, so we just have our dogs-- they are beside themselves with the quiet!    It's blissful for them after a very busy week-end of kids and dogs and toys.........................and Thanksgiving.  (No turkey for them.)
 Scooterbug (my 11 year old Peke) is so tired.
 Kai Kai is just ready for a long nap and Cranberry is ready to have no one interrupt her schedule.
 Kai Kai knows the kids will be back (you can see riding toys behind him), but for now, he's content to have some quiet in the house.
Max had a great time with me in the yard chasing his toy, and then he came in... and crashed in front of the Thomas the Train tent.   (It's amazing how "nice" rooms become just big toy rooms.)    Any room is a good place to veg for a dog though- especially after the busy Thanksgiving holiday!  Hope all of you had a wonderful one!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


December is just around the corner, so send me pictures of your Christmas dogs!  Just send them to  If you can just put them in an email that would be great!    


Butterscotch was adopted yesterday.    He was my foster dog and part of my heart always leaves with them when they go.    I think also, for us foster parents, when you bring them from near death to healthy and loving, it's a little harder.    Butterscotch has two doggie sisters now and they are getting used to him.   One, Lulu, even tried to give him kisses.  How sweet is that!
Here are two videos I took before he left.   I love you, Butterscotch! 
  Click here: butterscotch - YouTube
Click here: butterscotch2 - YouTube


 Beautiful Desi posed for fall pictures.  I just love the colors in these and how wonderful she looks in the leaves.  
 Desi has her mom's heart.
 This is Dollar.  They adopted him after fostering him-- he was a Peke who had a few issues, but he felt very secure with Roger and Lucinda.    (Starlight was like that, which is why she stayed with us-- for some reason, she trusted us.)
 Fiona is a long term foster with them.  She has degerative disc disease like my Cranberry, but is doing well.   She will occasionally try to run with the rest and it's so cute.
 This is Julius-- we are looking for a foster home for him-- he's a sweet boy.  He does have medical issues, but his tail is always wagging and he just wants a forever home.    I love the seniors and I know some of you do, too.   So, if you would like to have this sweet boy join your home, just let us know.  We have others in need of a home to spend the rest of their lives, too.    We have special adoption fees for our seniors.  
 Madge is a foster dog at Desi's house.   She is heartworm positive and has been having medical issues, but she's hanging in there.   She's a very sweet girl.  
 Look at Puji-- he's a foster dog at Desi's house and he's had medical problems but he has a determined little spirit.   We're all hoping he is ready for a foster/adoptive home soon.
 Wanda is Roger's girl.   She loves her Daddy and loves to go to Starbucks with him.   The staff all knows this Peke!  
 She's taking a snooze here-- sounds like a good idea!
 Here's Desi again-- are you ready for the photo session to end?    You sure look great in your Fall outfit.    Desi wears a dress every day to her mom's office.  She is quite a hit there.
Madge again-- looking up.   Maybe she's looking for her mom and her forever home.    We have many older ones and they deserve a home, too.  If you have a special place for one of them, please let us know.  

Saturday, November 24, 2012


 Here is Macaroon again.    He's still waiting for a foster home-- I know I just put pictures of him on a few days ago, but I just received these and they are so great, I had to share them.
 He's looking for his foster home-- is it you?
 He is very comfortable at our vet's in Roanoke-- but they have a LOT there and need a few less.   So, we are trying to move the ones who are ready.   Jeanne and I are pretty full, so we're looking for another spot.
 He is waiting--- there's a perfect adoptive or foster home out there.    He would do well in a home without steps, since he has a bit of a back issue.   He's not in pain, just a little wobbly.  He's only 5 we think, so he may heal just fine.
Cheer up, Macaroon!    I know Roger called you Mac Daddy-- I think you're just a Mac Sweetheart!

Friday, November 23, 2012


 This is Julius.   He was found wandering on a golf course and someone took care of him to see if his owner could be found.   No one stepped forward.
 He weighs about 14 pounds and gets along with other dogs and cats.   He ignores the cat and enjoys the dogs.
 Julius is blind in one eye and has limited vision in the other, but you can see it doesn't get in his way!     He runs and his ears fly!
 He is on eye medications and a few other meds.  He does have a heart murmur, but he still has a good quality of life.     He is at least 8 years old, and still has many years left to love people.     His tail is always wagging-- his is just joyful.   He appears to be housetrained, which is always nice!
If you would be interested in fostering or adopting this sweet one, please let us know.