Thursday, January 3, 2013


"Henry" Teddy Bear wishes all the foster Pekes a Happy New Year and hopes they all find homes this year.
Here's Ginny Lee in her Christmas present-- a brand new bed!    Her mom said she's never seen a dog love a bed that much-- jumping in it, sniffing, pawing, snorting, circling, and chewing, then snuggling right in.   She is a HAPPY dog!!
Lacey Nicole was ready to bring in the New Year on her red blanket.
Toni Davis sent this picture of hers with Macaroon in the middle-- he's her foster dog.   What a cute group.  That's Chester with his ears up.  He's the blind dog she adopted from us.     She adores him!!    Macaroon is a special needs boy and I'll do a blog on just him.   
Here are Max and Tyler, the two elderly gents who were adopted from us.   They were much younger, but after their family moved to California, they began to rescue little ones there.     Lisa said these two boys have "graced my home with their darlingness for nearly 10 years."
 This is Bracketts who was adopted a few years ago.
And sweet Damsel was rescued from a shelter and now lives her new life in N.Va. where she is loved.
 This is Cosmo-- he was my FIRST foster dog almost ten years ago.   
 He is such a sweet boy and he shares his home with.....
Winston.   Winston wasn't adopted from us, but I wanted to put him on also with his brother.      They are both so loved.  We want this for all our foster dogs-- a life of love and care.    It will be a Happy New Year indeed!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to all the Pekes!

    Moi Moi and I - Coco - are in the kitchen on the floor and the air conditioner is on!
    Its so HOT - around 100f and its 7.30 in the evening !!! Hotter tomorrow!!!

    Please send SNOW !!!!! Woof!
