Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Piper is my sweet foster boy.    Some company came over and he is so shy, he hid under the ottoman.   (You know I had to lay on the floor to get this shot!)
Come out little man, you're okay.
This is one of the nicest dogs I've fostered.   He slowly came out...
And then made a full appearance.   He will be good in a home that will cherish him, and be around during the day.   He loves to run in the yard, too.
Here he is outside-- with a toy!    He loves toys-- and this one makes duck sounds.  
But, a stick will do fine also.
Or maybe I'll play on Beach Bit's slide.    This looks fun.
Can I climb up on it?
Mom, can you help?
Is there another way up?
Gosh, this thing is slippery.
Come on and help me.   I see Beach Bit on this and he seems to love it-- I just want to give it a try!

Click here: piperslide - YouTube ( I have no idea why this posted sideways.   If you know how to turn youtube videos, let me know!)


  1. Oooo - me thinks Piper might be adopted in a flash! Too cute!!! LOL
