Thursday, February 7, 2013


 My friend Melanie has her own rescue (Mutts Matter Rescue) and has had many dogs, big and small, come through her home.    Little Henry is one of them.     Here he was, "watching" football and chewing on his football.
 There are some dogs we foster that we just can't let go of and Henry stayed with Melanie and her husband, Brian.   He was just a sweet boy!
 Brian loved this one-- you can see the bond they had.
 Henry came into rescue deaf and had major ear infections.   He had several surgeries to help the infection and after his recent surgery, he seemed to be fine.   But, then his heart rate dropped and he went into cardiac arrest.   We know this can happen, but we're never ready when it does.     Henry was such a young dog.   His mom voiced what many of us think, " He was taken so suddenly, and life just feels very unfair right now. Unfair that he can't live out his life with us; And that he didn't get to have as many good years as he did bad, before we rescued him. We can only try and console ourselves with the hope that he knows how we loved him. He was a very special dog who brought so much love into our lives, and everyone he met. For those that met "biggie" as he was known to us, you know how very special he was. There will never ever be a dog like Henry. I just know that right now, heaven is lucky to have him."
Your mom and dad miss you so much, Henry.   Rest in peace, sweet boy.  


  1. Thank you Linda for the tribute. Some starts burn brighter than others, and Henry was one of those. We are going to miss him so much.

  2. So sorry for your loss... Henry looks like he was a truly terrific doggie. Hugs.

  3. So sorry for your sudden loss of sweet Henry. At least he knew love for the time you did have him. I'm sure Henry was grateful to you for rescuing him. RIP sweet Henry!

  4. I was so sorry to read this for what a handsome man Henry was and he was so loved and he gave love too!

  5. my condolences also. our fur kids mean so much to us.
