Tuesday, March 26, 2013


 Lulu wants to know why it is snowing in spring.   Spring began this week and we thought it would be warmer.  
 At Jeanne's house in Richmond, it was snowing a lot.    This is in her back yard and there's even a light shining on the snow.   It's beautiful.
 Snow is so pretty..   It looks peaceful, as long as I can sit inside, with a fire going and a cup of coffee.  
 It's cold though, so I like to stay in, but my dogs love the snow.
 I wonder if Tucker likes the snow-- he's just looking for a place to go to the bathroom.   HELP ME. :-)
Meanwhile, Lulu and her friend are just fine staying inside.   That's a good plan!

1 comment:

  1. Now this is strange - here you are having a long winter and we are having a long summer !!! It got to 90f today and its our autumn !!! LOL
