Wednesday, March 27, 2013


 Willie Wonton lives in New York with his mom and dad.    They get to go to a house in NJ on the week-ends and have a yard to run in.    But, he knows how to be NY dogs!   (He did take one unplanned excursion with his mom and dad in hot pursuit!)
 Willie was the first of the pack up there.
 Butters joined them when his mom saw him on our web site.  She fell in love!
 Butters has albino traits, with light skin, pink nose and light eyes.    He loves all his toys!
 Look at that sweet face!
 I know you'll share your toys though.  Right?
 Willie wants some of them.
Yoshi joined their family.   He and Willie both want to be the boss.    Maybe they'll switch off days-- one gets to be boss on even days and the other on odd days. :-)
Bucky is a member of the family also.   He was a foster dog, but he has so many medical problems that he wasn't adopted.  So, he stayed.     He is diabetic and has been having a rough time lately.
 Suzy Wonton joined the family also.    She came from a shelter in NY and had severe eye issues.   Both eyes have been removed now, and she's doing fine.    She has other health problems, but gets great care from her parents.
Suzy and Willie share their home with others-- just like so many of our adopted Pekes.    We love this family!    They are real Pekingese people!!


  1. The Aussie Peke's Down Under bark a "G'Day Mate" to the Big Apple Pekes in the USA and hope you are not too cold there.

    *We love to see Butters on Must Love Pekes! He is so special - well, ALL your NY Peke's are special but Mr Butters gets our hearts a flutter :)
    Kisses from Moi Moi and Coco XXX

  2. What a wonderful family! It takes very special people to take on this many special needs pekes! Bless you and I know you are blessed every day with the love you receive in return! I do love to see pics of Butters. He had everyone's heart when he was in foster care!

  3. Butters looks very Scandinavian, like his mommy.
