Wednesday, April 17, 2013


 Look at Abner!    No e-collar!    I see those teeth, too.   :-)  Love those underbites!
 His stitches in his eye were removed yesterday and he was declared WELL!!  
 There is nothing like celebrating by chasing a gumball, catching it and chewing on it-- YUM!
 Life is good for this puppy!    I think he's about 10 months now-- we thought he was about 6-7 months when we got him on Valentine's Day.     He is full of energy and fun, and loves to nibble on my fingers and chin.     Baby Jaws!
He goes to his new home next week-- are they in for a treat!    This is a nice boy!    Here he is playing:Click here: AbnerNoECollar - YouTube


  1. I am so glad to read Abner is well and what a golden boy he is!!!

  2. Can't wait to meet Abner and his foster Mom too!
