Thursday, April 18, 2013


 Crosby came into rescue last July.   He was in a rural shelter and had some "issues."    But, look at that smile-- we had to help!
 He had been through a lot-- if they could just tell us, we could help them more.  We could let them know with words that it wouldn't happen again.    We have to let our actions tell them they are safe.
 And his foster mom did just that-- she loved him, brought him through anxiety, helped him to know he was safe and would always be loved.
 Now Crosby has his own family!!     Look at this whirl of Pekes.    Crosby now lives with Ming, but he was fostered with Nippy and Monk.   They live close together and sometimes meet on walks.   Wow, is Crosby excited to see them all!
And then he walks off with his new brother, Ming, content, happy.  Thank you, Georgia-- you made his new life possible!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful life Mr Crosby has now --- thanks to alot of special people who have helped him along the way :)
