Sunday, April 21, 2013


 My husband took these pictures yesterday and I had to do a blog since he thought they were so cute.   Of course, I think they are cute, too.     Piper loves getting on things-- you know that from yesterday's blog.  
 He sees nothing wrong with jumping on the stool and up on the bed.   (You want to make sure these Pekes don't jump too high because of their backs, so we have a stool just for the dogs.)
 We have a Select Comfort bed-- love it.    When  your husband is twice your size, you can end up in the middle a lot if you don't have a dual zone bed!  
 What's your sleep number, Piper?
 We have plenty of dog beds-- and toys (and weights that I use sometimes).  
 They are all very comfy....but...
 Piper prefers our bed.
At least he shares with us!


  1. Oh, Melinda, don't even mention that to Piper-- he would think he deserved it!

  2. Love it! Why shouldn't Piper have a sleep number bed?
