Saturday, April 20, 2013


Piper is always ready for an adventure.     He found Beach Bit's wagon outside and saw the open door.
So, he climbed in and got on the seat to watch what was happening in the yard.
At the vet, he got under a chair.
 At home, he got on the piano bench...
 On the table...
 Jumped off the table....
And then hid under the ottoman.    He gets in, on, under and loves every minute of it!     He can give me a heart attack sometimes, but hes very inquisitive and all puppy-like!     What a great dog!!


  1. Piper...You are just a typical Peke! Don't let those humans make you think otherwise. Just be careful on tables and don't knock things off with your bushy tail.

  2. I LOVE PIPER SO MUCH. I thought he was already adopted. I'd would adopt him in a minute but I think my cat wouldn't approve. Does Piper like cats?
