Sunday, July 28, 2013


 I went to Richmond on Thursday to take Cami-Bear to meet his new mom.   (It's always hard to let them go!)    But, I was able to see the puppies, too.  
 One of the little females has mastered climbing out of the blue pool.
 My daughter and her kids were able to come, too, and after having puppy time, we all went to lunch.
 My "granddaughter for a month" loved the puppies!   She is a host child from Latvia.   She is so sweet.
 She just adored holding the little girl.    Lil Bit was holding Bandit and Drill Bit was just being charming!
 The puppies are always curling up on each other.  
 Bandit had his leg over one of his siblings-- and none of them mind.
 Daddy Miki-Harley can't wait for his girl, CiCi to come home!    
In the meantime, their blue pool has been upgraded to try to keep them in for awhile longer.   It won't be long until they are off to their new homes!     (And for Melinda and others who don't have facebook, here are some videos: CiCi and Babies July 11 2013 Video 002.AVI

1 comment:

  1. Puppies , Puppies everywhere !!!

    Soooooo cute and thankyou for the video's Linda :)
