Monday, July 29, 2013


 Abner is doing great in his home in New York-- just look how much energy he has there.   Oh, whoops, he's resting.  
 His brother,  Brody, is vegging, too.  (or is this Lily-- )
 They have a foster dog named Monkey-- looks like they are all tired.  
 Resting here, too?
 They love going on adventures.
 Monkey is ready!    Are you looking for the water?   It's close.
 There it is!
 Some other dog must have been here.   There's a scent!
 Swim time!
 These four are great friends-- they hope to find Monkey a home, but for now, he's doing wonderful there.
 I was so excited on Saturday.    Abner sent me a present!  His picture, and Brody and Lily are on a coffee mug.   It will make me smile when I use it.
 He also sent me a bone plaque-- my grandson, Beach Bit, saw it and said it was a bone.  Smart boy!
 Thank you, sweet Abner!   I love my presents. :-)