Tuesday, September 3, 2013


 Bubbles came into rescue in July.  
 She's a tiny thing at 9 pounds, but don't let her size fool you-- she has a HUGE personality!
 She came with her sister, Roxie, when their mom could no longer care for them.  
 Bubbles made her presence known right away-- with her happy personality, wagging tail, lots of kisses and lap sitting.
 She decided that Beach Bit's playhouse on the porch was a great place to sit if I was outside.
 She has the cutest underbite!
 When Bennett came to visit, she loved him.   Bubbles is full grown and Bennett is still growing haha.    And look at the difference already!
 She got along with all the dogs here, but loves people the most.
 She did fine with Beach Bit--
 This was taken when she came in and I just love this  picture of her!  
  A friend, Valerie, who has fostered for us, came to meet Roxie and Bubbles.   She was really leaning toward Roxie.    Bubbles was sitting on the floor in front of Valerie when Valerie said, "I think I'll pick Roxie."   IMMEDIATELY, Bubbles dropped her head down in dejection and her tail stopped wagging.     I have never seen anything like that in all my years of fostering.   It's as if she said, "You don't want me??"    Valerie had said she wanted one of them to pick her, and it seems that Bubbles did just that.    
So, Bubbles was  adopted and headed to her new home.    When they got out to walk to her new condo/home, Bubbles stopped right in front of her new place!    How did she know that was the one?  It's a mystery, but what we know is that this is one very special girl.    They have already made a trip to the pet store and stocked up on things for little Bubbles-- whose new name is Harley Marie.    She will have the best home possible!    I'm so happy for them both!

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