Monday, September 2, 2013


 Roxie came into rescue a month ago.   She had two eyes, but one was in rough shape and it couldn't be saved.  
 She came through surgery great and didn't seem to miss a beat just having one eye.
 She still had her favorite places to veg  and loves to find a place to just watch what is going on.
 Her sister, Bubbles, was adopted last week-- to a GREAT home!    They weren't super bonded, so I think this is a good thing.   Roxie can now blossom on her own.
 She likes to get under the high chair  if no "bit" is using it.  
 Something happened to Roxie that hasn't happened to any other Peke I've fostered.    After her stitches in her eye were taken out, and her e-collar had been out for over a week, she somehow opened up the incision.   It was not a happy sight, and of course, I got her right to the vet.    I love my vet-- I texted him, but headed to the clinic.    While there, my vet texted me back, he was home and said to come over.   So, after the vet visit, we went to his house and he put Roxie on the kitchen counter and gave her another check up.     She will need to see him again this week, and had to have the dreaded e-collar put back on.   She is on eye meds/salve and antibiotics.   Poor girl!
I know she'll heal fine, it's just a set-back.    She is a sweet girl, and loves tummy tubs.   I'll just get to have her here longer.     If you're interested in a wonderful, sweet girl, let us know.   (She is 14.5 pounds and housetrained-- great dog!)

1 comment:

  1. Roxie looks a sweet and gentle girl and I am sure she will find a wonderful home.
    Oh those colar's - no fun!
