Saturday, September 28, 2013


We have wonderful foster homes in our group.     Sometimes, I get a special note that tells us how wonderful they are.     I decided I would share one.     Monica fostered Charlie.    She is now fostering Louie.   
 Louie, above, (still available for adoption)  was turned into us in the Maryland area and has shown himself to be a wonderful little boy!   Like my other foster parents, Monica and her husband love each foster as if they were their own.    And it shows!     
 Louie is relaxed and happy and feeling good.   
Here is part of the note I received about Monica's care to a previous foster dog:  
"Thanks to both PVPC and Monica for all you have done.   What an outstanding experience!   Foster caregiver Monica has done her job well, completely focused and in full disclosure mode about all that is known about our new family member.    It is evident that she has a deep seated commitment to helping build wonderful dogs.    We greatly benefit from the sacrifices made by devoted foster caregivers such as Monica and are appreciative!"    Thank you, Monica and all my foster homes, for all the love and care you give our fosters.  We couldn't do it without you!    

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