Monday, November 25, 2013


 Chanel belonged to Sandy, who uses the same vet I do and is a facebook friend of Potomac Pekes.  
  Chanel came to her three years ago when she was 13.    She was so loved and Chanel knew it-- look how comfortable she was here.
   Chanel had a lot of heart issues, which can happen as they get older.    But, she had no trouble until recently.  
She died this morning with her mom with her.   We are so sorry-- rest in peace, sweet Chanel.


  1. I am so sorry for your loss.

    What a lovely redheaded girl Chanel was :)

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. Chanel was loved and that's all that matters and she did not die alone. It's so sad when our fur babies die, they leave us with precious memories and an empty spot in our hearts. Bless her and her family. RIP sweet little Chanel!
