Tuesday, November 26, 2013


 We had our election meeting on Saturday, November 23.   Wanda, above, slept through the meeting.
 The new officers and board members will run the club this coming year.   (Alastor was sleeping-- he didn't want to participate.)
 The new president is Linda Maxwell (me).   I've been with the club as a foster mom for almost 11 years and Rescue Director for over 5 years.    (Desi, above, our Diva Peke)
The new vice-president is Tiffany O'Neal.    Tiffany has worked with animals for years and does so much volunteer work and fostering for our club.  What a heart she has for rescue.  (I was able to see Bubble2 aka Harley Marie-- I think she remembered me, but then wanted to be with her mom, Valerie!)
 Our new secretary is Marian Brzostek.   Marian and her husband, Jim, adopted my very first foster dog, Cosmo over ten years ago.   Above is Wanda, Roger's special girl.    I love her plaid outfit!
 Our new treasurer-- a big job-- is Martha Showalter.    We have all the previous records, but have realized this all needs to be in a financial program to keep better track of everything.    We are going to accept donations earmarked for a computer to take care of this.    I think we already have the program, but it needs to be in a computer that is not used for other things.    Then, it can be passed on to a new treasurer, records intact.    (Above is Dawson-- look at that sweet boy-- he's so happy.    He is about 7 and is heartworm positive, but is coming through his treatment well.)
 Some board members are returning.    (Diva Desi is above, modeling one of her many dresses.  She wears one every day.  Her Daddy had to build another rod to hold her outfits.)   
 Linda Maxwell (me) was on the board and will continue to do that.  (All the officers are also part of the board.) (Alastor above is trying out the bed that was given to me by Marilyn Derry-- my dogs decided not to use it and I know the Pekes at Lucinda's will make good use of it!)  
 Jeanne Reeves, co-director of rescue with me,  will continue on the board.    (Oh, Alastor, you found a pink flowered bed!)
 Missy, above, came to the after meeting at the hotel.    She is going to meet her new mom this week.
 Isn't she cute!!     She was going to a foster home, but she is going to live in Richmond instead!   I'm so excited for her!
 After the post-meeting meetings (where the new members worked on the plan for the coming year and looked at what we were given), we began our four hour trip home.    We stopped at Jeanne's in Richmond, and I got to meet Lucy!!    She is so sweet!!   Linda in England wishes she could adopt her-- she has sent her presents and Lucy loves them all.    
 The other continuing board member is Robin Robinson.    I love Robin-- she is so much fun to be around!    She has been a major part of planning our yearly picnics.   I don't know what the plan is for future picnics, but we'll be working on this.   (Didi, Jeanne's Peke was there to greet us when we arrived at her home.)  
 The other new board members are:  Claretta Richardson and Marilyn Derry.  They have both been with our club for some time and have been foster parents.    I'm thrilled to be able to work with them, and have their opinions and support this year!   (This is Hannah, Jeanne's very shy girl.    Hannah came to Jeanne and Bill totally unsocialized, so she doesn't trust strangers.   But, I did pet her this trip-- I don't think she realized it, but it was a victory!!   One day, she'll know I'm safe.)
 Carter and Sassy Marie were there.   Oh, what a greeting I received!  
 Look at Lucy-- she is adorable!
 We even got a picture of Bill in the background.   This is Jeanne's husband who we have been praying for.  He had a stroke last week, but he is doing great!!  You wouldn't know anything had happened!!   (Thank you everyone who has prayed!)
 My husband got my camera and took a picture of me with Lucy.    She is adorable! (She's available for adoption!)
  Here he is again-- don't you love that face!  I sure do!   Oh, my, this is one sweet boy!!   His allergies are so much better.    I was able to pick him up and he was so sweet.
 I want to welcome all the new and returning board members and officers.   We plan to work together, helping each other out to do all we can for the Pekingese who come into our care.    I'm excited about this coming year!


  1. I wish you all well and congrats for being Madame Pres. Linda!
    You all do such wonderful work for the Peke's ! Bravo to you all!!

    * I am NOT going to tell my girls that Desi the Diva has just had an extra rod in her cupboard for dresses- that girl is like Paris Hilton!!!

    * Mmmm - Linda , who is "adorable" and ready to adopt - Gus or your Husband!!! LOL

  2. Oh I also wanted to say a "HI" to Bill !!!!!

    How are you ??

    your girlfriends in Australia !

  3. Congratulations Linda on your new presidency! I know you'll do a great job!
