Tuesday, December 3, 2013


 My friend, Melinda, lives in Australia.  Of course, that means it's hot at Christmas since they are below the equator.    I keep forgetting that.    Here is her Moi Moi who is attempting to play with a stick, but it's really beneath her to do this.   Or is this Coco??
 The plants are thriving with the warm weather.
 The orchids are blooming!
 I think this is Coco-- am I right, Melinda.    I get them confused!   Maybe it is Moi Moi-- I used to think I could keep them straight, but in a picture, I just can't do it.
 She is vegging in the sunshine, and  she'd really like to get into the flower bed.
 But, her mom and dad put up a little fence around it.
 Otherwise, Coco will get into it and eat the "fertilizer" (manure!).
 Helping dad is hard work.
 So a rest is in order.
 The flower beds are so pretty-- and sometimes, you just have to keep the dogs out.    If I have flowers in my back yard, they are in pots.
 I'm sure the girls helped to decorate the tree.
 There are a lot of dog ornaments on it.   Pretty!!   I see an ice cream cone, too.
Are there  presents for you?   I'm sure there will be!


  1. Hi Linda !

    Moi Moi is the grey one!
    Coco the redhead :)

    That is a gardenia not an orchid !!!! LOL

  2. Lady Jicky, Amelia and Magnolia say hi, and want to come spend a warm Christmas with you, Coco and Moi Moi in your garden in Australia. : )

  3. Lady Jicky your garden/flowers are so beautiful! I wish it was "flower time" here! I miss my flowers and miss the greens and colors! It could stay summer year round and I would be happy! Happy holidays to you and your crew. You are apparently coming along fine after your medical issues!
