Wednesday, December 4, 2013


 Pudgie came to PVPC from a shelter where he was as a stray.  He had one very large eye and it needed to be removed.   Once he came to us, he went to the Peters for fostering-- he never left!  I can see why-- just look at his face. :-)
 Pudgie has a brother named Chompers who is part Peke.  
 They are good friends and love snuggling with dad.
 Just look at them cuddling!
Rest up, sleepy heads-- you're going to have a visitor.     
We received a request to help this Peke and the Peters boys are going to help!!    He doesn't have a name yet, but they are going to name him once they see what his personality is like.     What would you name him??      Thank you, Chompers and Pudgie for offering to help!


  1. Isn't Chompers and Pudgie lovely!!!
    I am very sure they will great that little one with open paws!

  2. So glad someone is going to help that little peke. He should be called Diamond as he's a diamond in the rough!
