Wednesday, December 18, 2013


 Jeffrey had to be moved from his first foster home because his foster mom was moving.    I hate to move them, but there was no choice.    He moved to another foster home and was there several months-- but he would rather be an only dog.  Some dogs are like that.  
 Jeffrey loves kids and here he is with his new foster brother.   He was a little confused at first, and wouldn't eat.
 But, his new foster brother hand fed him and Jeffrey ate.  
Jeffrey had a bath and has such a sad face-- but that's his face.    Don't worry, he's already doing better and was wagging his tail when his foster dad came home from work.
I know you'll be just fine Jeffrey-- we'll find you a home, but for now, enjoy your new foster home and have fun at Christmas!!    You are a super sweet boy and lots of people care about you.

1 comment:

  1. I do not know what happened but you might get two messages Linda.

    I wish little Jeffrey could come home with me!
    My girls would love him too!!!
    My Christmas wish is to have sweet Jeffrey find a furever home!
