Thursday, December 19, 2013


 Thea and Thurston were two of the puppies Jeanne fostered this summer-- Cici's offspring.
 Thea and Thurston went to the same fabulous home.     Each one of these puppies has an incredible home now!
 Thurston and Thea love to run and play with each other.
 Ears flying-- the race is on!
 Is this snuggle time or are they still playing-- hard to know.
 They have lots of toys-- here's one.
 Thea found out they were going to see Santa!  Yahoo!    Are you excited?
 I think so-- look at the pure joy on her face.   No?  Not pure joy?
Thurston just wants to get down.     These are so funny-- Love them!   I bet Santa is going to bring them a lot of toys!


  1. Mmmmm Linda ..... that there Santa is rather young!!! LOL

  2. Just too precious for words! Don't think either were too excited about visiting Santa. Their facial expressions are priceless!!!
