Friday, January 31, 2014


 We took Crunch and Oreo in last June-- they were like a senior married couple and they needed a place to end their lives.   One of our wonderful foster homes, Tiffany and Mike, took them  in and we did all we could to help them.  
 Oreo was a sweetheart.   She could make the cutest expressions.  
 She was so sweet and loved a tummy rub.
Oreo went into distress this morning and after being rushed to the vet, she went into cardiac arrest.  Nothing could bring her back.   She had seven wonderful, loving months, living inside (she had lived in the garage before) and getting wonderful food.    We are so sorry that she left us this morning--- my heart goes out to her foster parents.    Rest in peace, sweet girl!  

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry for your loss.
    Oreo Girl had finally experienced the love that all dogs should have and this is a great thing!

    *How is Crunch coping without her?
