Friday, January 31, 2014


 Tinsel has come a long way since we took her into rescue.  She was a breeder's dog and is about five years old, but her new life has begun now that she has come into our care.
 She is learning to play!   She never knew how to do that before.    She loves her humans very much and constantly wags her tail when she is with them.     She doesn't mind having her ears or eyes touched.
 She loves to go for rides in the car and walks great on a leash.   She is a little timid of strangers, but once they show her they like her, she is fine.    She is housetrained and not a chewer.   That means she can be trusted in the house all the time.    (I wish I could say that about all of mine!)
 She loves to sleep in the bed with you and doesn't move all night.   Her foster parents work and she sleeps quietly while they are at work (they have cameras so they can check on her during the day and she is doing fine).   Tinsel is a jumper and  likes to get on furniture.   She takes treats very nicely and has a healthy appetite-- she is a little over 11 pounds, so not a big girl.     She is also very good about getting a bath!   She will stand very still until it is time to get out.   I'm sure all this is new and she just loves the attention.
 I see a bark coming-- did the doorbell just ring?    I know that makes you excited!   (You should hear my house when the doorbell rings-- oh my!)  
   Tinsel seems to do better with males than females-- she wants to be the top girl.     She also loves being a lap dog and following you around the house.    She is trying to make up for all the years she didn't get attention.
If you are interested in adding Tinsel to you home, just let us know!  

1 comment:

  1. After all that time just breeding puppies little Tinsel needs a home where she will be centre of attension !
    I am doing my Adoption Dance for Tinsel for I know she will be a wonderful dog for any family who wants a loving dog - she will do that in spades !
