Thursday, January 23, 2014


I don't usually post these things, but we can support this man's efforts to end gassing in the NC shelters.  It's a horrible way for an animal to die and I have signed my name and sent it to him.    If you want to (no pressure!!), please send your reply to the email address below.

As you know, NC Shelter Advocates have worked long and hard to end the use of Gas Chambers to kill impounded animals. As a result, the number of gas chambers currently in use has dramatically declined over the past 5 years. Today less than 15% of animal control facilities continue to gas companion animals.

Today, we have an opportunity to permanently end the use of carbon monoxide gas chambers  in all NC shelters. We have been working with the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF)  to prepare and submit a formal request for a new euthanasia rule or changes to the NC administrative rules for euthanasia of impounded animals. This request will be based upon changes in the 2013 AVMA euthanasia guidelines and the existing language of the Administrative Code -Section 52J euthanasia rules.

The intent of this action is to end carbon monoxide gassing in NC shelters.

This euthanasia rule request will be made to the NC Department of Agriculture and the NC Administrative Rules Review Commission. Once submitted, there is an established procedure for this request to follow.

The initial action will consist of submitting the formal rule request which will be accompanied by documentation and a brief in support of the euthanasia rule changes.

The attorneys involved would like to have a number of citizens express their support by being listed as supporters of the action to end the gassing of shelter animals in NC.

We need to have this information as soon as possible. If you would like your name and/or the name of your organization and others working with you added to this list of supporters please fill it in below and send it by return email.

The euthanasia guidelines and the medical facts strongly support the need for these euthanasia rule changes.

Please email me to confirm your support and let me know if you have any questions.



Peter MacQueen III, President
The Humane Society of Eastern NC
Southport, NC 28461

Please add my name and/or organization to the support list.

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