Friday, January 24, 2014


 Mollie came into rescue as a very terrified dog.  She was in a DC shelter and they couldn't even touch her.
 She came to us and got the medical care she needed (Dr. Lucinda Hodges in Roanoke, Harris Animal Hospital) and then went to her foster home in Richmond.
 She has several places she likes to rest.
 The top of the couch is a comfy spot-- with her snowflake coat on.
 The bed is empty-- where are you!?
 Oh, you're a working Peke-- helping mom at the computer.  Good job!
 Mollie sent me an email.  
Hi Ms Linda,

I heard you had a blog on the computer and I told mom that I wanted to be on it.  So she is typing it all up for me.
 I love my foster Mom.  I am secretly working to make sure that this will be my forever home.  I had a hard time at first because I was scared and it took a couple of days for me to really warm up to mom and dad – but I love them both now.
   I have had a couple of trips to the vet – I tried to nip at Dustin and Dr. Teague and then they put me in this crate and put a collar thing on my head I didn’t like that at all – I thought mom had left me again for good.
  I have lots of toys and my own bed but mostly I just want to sit where mom is – on her chair, in the bed – just wherever she is.  I have a new friend, Maddie, I think you know her and her mom Cindy.
   I have a human “little person” as well – I really like him – he is super nice to me and he gives me treats and kisses.    
  I also have 2 sisters here – I am not so sure about them Ms Linda.  I have had a few run ins with Sakks the Shitzu – I get in trouble when I do that – I don’t get to get on the furniture or on the bed.  I think that Mom is going to talk to a “trainer” I don’t know exactly what that is but I hear her talking about it.     I will try to be good – but I just don’t know.  I get to go on walks and I get to help mom with work – I know all Pekes need a job.  I love my fenced in backyard and my toys.
I have heard my mom talk about Darby and that she was a baby Cujo and Mom thinks I am a little bit like a baby Cujo too – I guess that means I have lots of personality.  Mom told me she was really sad when Darby went over the rainbow bridge but that I have helped her a lot – I hope she knows that she has helped me a lot, too – Say lots of prayers that Mom will keep me – I really like it here.  I hear you have a gang there so tell them all that Mollie says Hi and I hear that you have a baby Cujo her name is Starlight – I think I might like her a lot.

Love Mollie

1 comment:

  1. Try to settle down and not be so nervous Mollie and you will do fine :)
