Wednesday, April 30, 2014


 Sammy was one of our young foster dogs in 2007.    He now lives in Germany.   He's an international traveler!
 He was a young one here when we had him.
 He had that head tilt going strong-- I just love that!
 Sammy is definitely the alpha over his sweet brother, Gizzy.    One of the first evenings after his mom  brought Gizzy home, she had them outside & was throwing toys to chase. She told Sammy to go get his toy! Instead, he grabbed Gizzy by the ear, & hauled him over to his mom.   Gizzy, being the complacent pup he is, allowed Sammy to haul him around.   I guess Sammy thought he was a toy!
 His mom said he is a lousy guard dog-- I'm sure he just thinks he is above all that!    She said, "Germans have strict laws about securing your dogs in the back of the car, so they are fascinated by my booster seats with harnesses & seat belts. I have a VW & you could see the dealer's wheels turning in his mind for another product as he examined what I have for the boys. People stare at them when we drive. I think I need a convertible personally. And RayBans for the guys."   I can just picture all that in my mind!   But, I'd love to see a picture of it!
Sammy is a camera hog, he sees a camera and poses.    He's beautiful!  

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


This pretty plant is one you don't want in your home or yard-- it is very toxic and can kill your pets.    It causes total liver destruction.   Someone's dog chewed a bit of the leaves daily-- and the owners had no idea it was slowly killing her.    It comes in white and purple flowers.   If you have this plant in your home or yard, get it out.    Or put it where no pet can get to it-- for me, that would mean GONE!


 We were moving a mirror, and Koko, Scooter and Rammi were very confused!
 Who is that doggy in the mirror?
 Kai Kai joins them and Max does his groundhog stance to see himself over the rest of the Pekes.
 Rammi was mesmerized by the mirror.    It was so cute-- he kept looking at me in the mirror's reflection and wondering how I could be in two places at the same time.
 "Mom, you're magic!"
"Scooter, do you know how she does that?   We'll have to figure this out!"  

Monday, April 28, 2014


 Fressie came into rescue in 2007 and was a small 11 pound Peke.   She had been through a few homes when we were contacted and asked to take her.    She was so tiny and sweet and we were glad to be able to help her.    
She was adopted quickly and lived the rest of her life with her new mom and dad.    She died in January and I just found out.    I loved her sweet face and am so sorry for her family.    Run free now, sweet girl.


 We were asked to take this Maryland dog from a shelter that we have worked with.  No one claimed her and I don't understand that.    Why are so many abandoned.    She is 13 pounds and so pretty.
 She went to a foster home and Mick was there-- can we say laid back. :-)    He was fine as long as one part of him was on the pillow.
 Suki would love to be on her foster mom's lap-- but right next to her is good, too.
She is a  little beauty!    And at only about 5 years old, she won't be with us long!
Look how sweet she looks in her foster home-- :-)

Sunday, April 27, 2014


 This is Linus-- he came form a shelter that told us he was a Peke.  Well, he's part Peke and SO sweet.    He reminds me of a dog I had growing up and I just love his face!
 He has the sweetest personality and his foster mom decided she was going to adopt him.  YAHOO!    I hope they bring him to the picnic, so I can finally meet him!   I love his smile!
 Macaroon came into rescue in 2012 and has some back leg issues, but he gets around just fine!    He reminds me of Koko, who I am fostering now.   These little black and white ones aren't that common, and they are so cute!
 Macaroon loves his foster family.   He settled right in there and loves his foster mom.
 We had an application for him, but it wasn't the right fit.   We like to make sure the home fits the dog-- and all homes and all Pekes don't fit.    In rescue, we learn their personality traits and want them to have the most wonderful forever home!    Well, I know Macaroon just got his!
Here are some of his buddies-- they are all Pekes except Cooper-- I bet you can pick him out haha.    And Chester, with his ears up, is mostly Peke.   Macaroon loves his family and we are so glad he's going to stay there forever.    (I also love his foster/forever mom-- she is a good friend and has the biggest heart!)   I love posting adoptions!

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Murphy was one of my foster dogs.  His name was Andy when we had him.   
 He had terrible skin issues, but was such a super sweet boy.     He was missing a lot of hair, but look at him now!
 Here is Murphy with his brother, Nick-- Nick is about 13.
 He was always a happy boy, and he is more loving now that he has his own family.    He is just so sweet.
 Yes, this looks normal-- dogs covering every surface of the couch.
 When Pekes have a special buddy, it is precious.
I love updates from our adopted dogs-- Murphy is so beautiful now and one happy boy!

Friday, April 25, 2014


 Tomorrow is Jeanne's anniversary-- and Bill's. :-)   It works like that!
 Marshall is guarding the toys-- are those what you are giving foster mom Jeanne for her anniversary?    It's a great idea!
 Or do you really want them for yourself?
 You can go out to the yard to contemplate it.   Don't be distracted by all the beauty out there!  
 Being in Jeanne's back yard-- the garden-- is such a wonderful experience!  
 She is a master gardener and I love to walk around her garden!   There are water features and the sound is so relaxing.   There is a screen over this water and one of our new foster dogs tried to walk across it!   Jeanne and I sprinted toward the dog, but he walked right out the other side.   Which Peke was that?
 There are so many plants and things to look at.
 Here's a path that leads from the house.
 One place it goes is to a colorful "shed" and there is a GREAT sitting area there.   It's where we'll have one of our summer club meetings.  
 There are covered areas to sit.
 Lots different trees, plants and ornamental things.
 Here's one path for the dogs-- and people, too.
 Jeanne has chickens now-- so they have been added to the "tour."
 If you want to take a break, you can sit here.
 Or just keep walking.
 The dogs are so happy there-- and Jeanne is a great friend, and a wonderful Peke lover!
Happy 17th Anniversary Jeanne and Bill  from all your Pekes, all our Pekes and all of us!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2014


 I think Onslow is voicing his opinion-- or his tongue-- on how slow spring is arriving.  I agree-- I'm ready for it to warm up!
 Kipper is looking for spring-- can you see it?
 Onslow is deep in thought-- where is it?    I know spring was supposed to arrive.
 Maybe Dawson knows-- I'll ask him.
 That didn't help.  He's too busy posing.   I'll ask Wanda.
 She's too busy being cute.  
 "Did you ask me a question?  Where is spring?  Just look outside!"
 There are flowers blooming all over.  
 Alastor rested in a bed of purple phlox.
 Are there more?  YES!
 There are dark purple ones, too.
 Desi says, "You're right!  They were here all the time!"
 I was at the Peke meeting while all this was going on-- holding Koko.    "Hey, everyone, they say spring is outside!"
 Most of us were too busy eating!   The snacks at the meeting were awesome!
 No, Amelia, you can't have any.   They aren't good for your allergies.
 "Allergies?!   I have allergies?"
 Oh, so sad, I guess you'll just have to watch the rest of us eat.
 In the meantime, Wanda is back outside, checking out the beautiful flowers--
Spring IS here!