Saturday, April 26, 2014


Murphy was one of my foster dogs.  His name was Andy when we had him.   
 He had terrible skin issues, but was such a super sweet boy.     He was missing a lot of hair, but look at him now!
 Here is Murphy with his brother, Nick-- Nick is about 13.
 He was always a happy boy, and he is more loving now that he has his own family.    He is just so sweet.
 Yes, this looks normal-- dogs covering every surface of the couch.
 When Pekes have a special buddy, it is precious.
I love updates from our adopted dogs-- Murphy is so beautiful now and one happy boy!

1 comment:

  1. I tell you what Linda --- Oh that Murphy is one big Peke!

    I had a "big peke" along time ago -- her name was Lulu and she was just beautiful! Lulu lived to 15 years and she was my first Peke.

    Love to Murphy - you reminded me of my dear Lulu - nothing like a BIG Peke!!! LOL
