Friday, April 25, 2014


 Tomorrow is Jeanne's anniversary-- and Bill's. :-)   It works like that!
 Marshall is guarding the toys-- are those what you are giving foster mom Jeanne for her anniversary?    It's a great idea!
 Or do you really want them for yourself?
 You can go out to the yard to contemplate it.   Don't be distracted by all the beauty out there!  
 Being in Jeanne's back yard-- the garden-- is such a wonderful experience!  
 She is a master gardener and I love to walk around her garden!   There are water features and the sound is so relaxing.   There is a screen over this water and one of our new foster dogs tried to walk across it!   Jeanne and I sprinted toward the dog, but he walked right out the other side.   Which Peke was that?
 There are so many plants and things to look at.
 Here's a path that leads from the house.
 One place it goes is to a colorful "shed" and there is a GREAT sitting area there.   It's where we'll have one of our summer club meetings.  
 There are covered areas to sit.
 Lots different trees, plants and ornamental things.
 Here's one path for the dogs-- and people, too.
 Jeanne has chickens now-- so they have been added to the "tour."
 If you want to take a break, you can sit here.
 Or just keep walking.
 The dogs are so happy there-- and Jeanne is a great friend, and a wonderful Peke lover!
Happy 17th Anniversary Jeanne and Bill  from all your Pekes, all our Pekes and all of us!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Anniversary Jeanne and Bill from your mates in Australia !!!
