Monday, April 14, 2014


 We had a Peke meeting on Saturday.  We were at Fiona's home.    I appreciate her opening her home to us!   Amelia and Magnolia, Fiona's Pekes loved having us there-- for awhile!   Then, Magnolia left and went to her parents' room to stay.   She was ready for us to go!
 Alastor was there.    Is this what you think of the meeting, sweet Al?
 Desi was there with her mom and dad.  Of course, she was dressed up.  She's always beautiful.
 Our new foster, Hadley (formerly Houdini) was there and cuter than I thought he would be.   Look at that face.
 Hadley and Wanda really liked each other.  Click here: HadleyWanda - YouTube
 They played over an hour!   They ran back and forth and Hadley's personality was showing!
 Desi decided she wanted to play a little.
 She didn't have the endurance that Wanda had, and Hadley wondered why she stopped and went off.
 Maybe Smushie will play!    Come on!
 They gave it a shot!
After the meeting, we began a photo session outside.   Check out those pictures tomorrow!

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