Sunday, April 13, 2014


 Maddie is my daughter's 4-5 month old Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppy-- she's over 45 pounds now.   She was 20 pounds when she was found in a ditch off the interstate at about 10 weeks-- no one claimed her, so now she comes over here whenever I have Beach Bit for the day.  
 Pekingese and Chessie puppy-- it's a different house!
 Rammi and Maddie have become best friends and Rammi is so excited when Maddie shows up in the morning.
 The play begins!   Rolling around, chasing each other in the yard.   Click here: RammiYardApril6 - YouTube 
 There is a huge size difference between them, and lots of gnawing and funny sounds, but Maddie is so good and gentle with  Rammi.
 Rammi keeps getting knocked over.  
 Kai Kai just doesn't know what this is all about-- but he will get into the yard chases with them.
Kai Kai is almost 9 now, so he doesn't last as long as Rammi and Maddie do-- it's non-stop activity here when Beach Bit and Maddie show up!  Click here: RammiMaddieApril6 - YouTube 

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