Monday, November 10, 2014


Today is Gracie Lu's birthday-- she turns 13!!    Gracie Lu came into rescue six years ago when her owner died.    I was contacted and asked to come get her.    I had made a new friend via email.  Her name was Jane.  We had emailed back and forth and she had just lost her Pekes.    I asked if she would like to foster Gracie Lu.  She said yes!
Gracie was with Jane awhile and I told her I had the perfect home for her-- with Jane!   They were perfect for each other.     Gracie Lu loved Jane and Jane loved Gracie Lu!    Gracie made many new friends.    Here she is with Bailey-- he was a rescue also.
Gracie loves her home-- here she is in a special spot.   She can monitor the front door, the kitchen, the den and the hallway-- she has total control!   (And of course, every Peke wants that.)
Gracie is great friends with Bodie also-- he lives a few doors down and Gracie gets to go for walks with him.  
 Ditka, her best buddy, also lives a few doors down.    Gracie was recently diagnosed with Cognitive Dysfunction Disorder.   She is in remission helped by the seven meds she is taking.    Her mom loves her and has done everything possible to help her girl.   She takes her meds with her meals and Jane says that Gracie has a special way of how her meals should be prepared and served.   I am looking forward to hearing about that!
Gracie Lu turns 13 today!   Here she is with Dana, a wonderful friend who loves Gracie, too.  Gracie has had an incredible, loving life with Jane and I know something special will be planned for the day for Gracie.   Happy Birthday, sweet girl!  

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Gracie Lu from your girlfriends in Australia!!!!
