Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Chumley heard that Jeanne is having an auction to raise money for Peke rescue.
He thinks something like his blue sweater would be a nice item on the auction--but right now he needs it to stay warm.   Maybe someone will have one they can put in the auction, though.
Lexie hopes everyone will come on board so they can help dogs like her who have medical issues.
Chumley says a Christmas afghan or blanket would be a great item to put in the auction.  He likes this one, but we may have to go find another!
Kai Kai is too sleepy to care-- but if he was awake he would be saying, "Come on folks!   Let's make this a great auction."   Peke items are great, but gift cards, Christmas items, or anything would be wonderful to have for the auction.  If you have questions, email Jeanne at potomacpekes@gmail.com.   You would need to send her a picture of the item, a "bio" for it, and a starting bid.
Here are some things that are already posted: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.742072232512751.1073741830.658958307490811&type=3

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