Friday, December 5, 2014


 Diva Pearl's mom is a friend of mine (even though we've never met).    I love the pictures she posts!
 Diva Pearl is a tiny Pekingese, and a little beauty.
 She and her son, Shoko Moko, are so cute.
 Those tiny faces-- oh my.
 Shoko Moko has his own little couch.    I love his red vest-- very cheerful!
 Oshi is their doggy brother-- he isn't fond of picture taking, so he's rarely seen in them.
 Diva Pearl and Shoko Moko are in Dogs in Cars-- a new book that is out.     I love my copy!
 She also has this book that you can order.  
Diva Pearl is a sweetheart and I just love all the pictures his mom, Vicki, shares with us!!  

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