Saturday, December 6, 2014


 Nico (formerly Brandon) was adopted a few years ago.   He came from an owner who could no longer afford to care for him.   He was loved, though.  
 He was at Jeanne's house for awhile and then we had a wonderful application for him-- someone who had adopted before.  Oh, we love "repeat adopters!"
 Nico must be hungry here!   His mom said he always has a toy in his mouth.
 His tail is always wagging-- you can see the blur where his tail is.  
 He has a little brother named Elwood-- Chip, did you realize that your Elwood has a "name cousin?"  haha
Oh, I love this face-- I am looking forward to getting some holiday pictures of him and his brother!  


  1. You can just see that they are both very happy puppies Linda --- they both smile !!!

  2. You can just see that they are both very happy puppies Linda --- they both smile !!!
