Monday, January 19, 2015


Coltrane was adopted a few weeks ago!    He loves his new home.   I'm always amazed at how well these dogs transition to a new place. 
We are very careful on who adopts our Pekes-- and his new mom is wonderful!
 She calls him her miniature St. Bernard-- and Coltrane really does look like one!
 His eyes have improved so much since we got him-- look at him in the shelter picture--he needed help so much.
 He got it and now his eyes are great.    He loves his new home and new family/sibling.
 He curls up in his bed and takes a snooze after playing a lot-- and he knows how to play!

Coltrane-- you are just beautiful!   I love this picture of you that your mom took.  We are so happy for you!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I am just so happy my ( well, I call him "my" - he would be sitting with my "girls" in Australia right now if he had a passport! ) St Bernard has found a great home ........ Hey - where is his Brandy Barrel ?????? LOL
