Sunday, January 18, 2015


 Macey came to PVPC in 2012 after his owner took him to a shelter.
 They just didn't want him anymore!  How can you abandon a senior dog?  
 We were asked to take him and we did-- and he was adopted quickly.  Seniors are great-- I love them!
 Macey went to live with  a lady who just adored him.   Soon after she got him, they all went to the beach.   A "biker" saw Macey -- the biker was on his Harley, had tattoos, and silver capped teeth and just smiled at Macey.    He said, "how can you not have a good day after seeing that cute little puppy."    Outward appearance doesn't mean you don't have a soft heart-- and he had a soft heart for Macey!!
 Macey went to live with her mom's daughter, Kim, after her mom passed away.   He had a great life there, but he began having signs that something was wrong.   The vet said it was probably a brain tumor and Macey passed away in Kim's arms.   He is now with his mom again and I know there must have been a great reunion.
Macey was 14-15 years old and had a great life after coming to Potomac Valley Pekingese Club.    He is free now-- love you sweet one!

1 comment:

  1. My heart goes out to you Kim. What a beautiful and "young" peke Macey was.
