Thursday, January 29, 2015


 I think dogs in stuff-- boxes, hidey holes or whatever-- are so cute.
 Tinsley wasn't crazy about getting in this box.   LET ME OUT!  (I love his teeth!)
 Benjamin said, "no box" and plopped himself on a chair instead.
 Charlie, my grandcat, found a box.   He loves boxes!
 Starlight isn't in a box-- a wagon is close though.     She sure puts up with a lot.
 Apollo (my other grandcat) found this box on the Farm.   Looked good to him!
 Cosmo is in his box.   I'm not sure how he got in there.  Did your mom put you there sweetie?
 Starlight and Lexie are in a box.  Well, it's  a large open crate in my office.  
 When I am working in my study, a dog is usually near by-- in the "box."  
 Starlight gets into more spaces than any dog I've know....  
 A basket will do just fine, too.
 Kai Kai has replaced Starlight.
 A box-- no, but the top of a table will do for Chumley.
 There she is-- Starlight in a desk.
 You  all saw Lexie in a box-- it's usually upright, but I laid it down and put a cushion in it.    Lexie liked that idea.    (Lexie is doing well right now-- her red blood count is good and will be checked again next week.)
And Starlight in her favorite place of all-- in the coffee table.    The top will lift up to become a table or desk and it totally confuses her when I do this.   Her roof disappears.    Dogs are so entertaining.  You never know where they will be-- a box, a desk, a table.   Anything will do.    


  1. Linda ..... I tried to get the girls in a box ..... they are not having it!!!!

    Will try again .
