Friday, January 30, 2015


 Fletch came into rescue over a year ago-- he was adopted in February of last year.
 He was turned into a shelter by his owners.  He was emaciated.  
 You could see every bone in his body.      BUT......
 He isn't skinny anymore.   He's healthy and happy and he has a forever home!
 His mom and dad just sent me these pictures yesterday and of course, I had to share them.
 He loves to curl up with them and get snuggles.
And sleeping with his mom is just fine, too.  He went from so needy to so loved!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh poor Fletch but what a difference a family who loves and cares for him!!!

    Fletch you are looking real good and what lovely owners you have now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
