Sunday, March 29, 2015


 Lulu was one of our foster dogs in 2012.   Jeanne fostered her and she was a sweetheart!
 In the shelter, she was terrified-- normal for these little ones-- but out of the shelter, she was a perfect little girl.
 She loves children-- which was a plus for her!
 She was adopted to a family who has children or all ages, and Lulu adores each one.   She has been with her family for almost 3 years!   Hard to believe it's been that long.  
She fits right in with the kids, the toys, even the snow.   (Yes, Melinda, it snowed up in Maryland this week-end.  We aren't sure when winter is going to end!   We may have to all go to Australia.)   Lulu is an adored part of her family!  

1 comment:

  1. If a dog is called Lulu - it will be a beauty as my Lulu was ... my first Pekingese and lived to 16.

    Its a lovely warm autumn day here .... some of my trees are changing!
