Saturday, March 28, 2015


 I love looking back at foster dogs we had a while back and seeing how they are doing. Sugar was about 2 years old when she was a foster dog.
 Sugar (aka Sugar Annie) was at a shelter and was terrified.   She would not have anything to do with me.    She was a lot like Starlight-- she didn't trust people.
 Her foster mom said Sugar would prefer to be an only dog, but in the meantime, Sugar "put up" with her siblings.    Her foster mom also enjoyed dressing her up.  Love this outfit.
 Sugar was adopted after several months in foster care.   She is now about ten years old, but still looks like a puppy.
 This was taken several years ago, but I know Sugar probably still has quite a wardrobe.
She is adored by her family, and is loved so much.   What else could we ask for?   I'll have to ask her mom to give her a hug for me-- because I know Sugar probably still wouldn't let me do it. :-)

1 comment:

  1. What a happy life little Sugar has now !

    Sugar is a white Peke beauty!
