Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Seminole and Hurricane came into rescue last year.   They were two very bonded senior brothers.
 Hurricane looked so much like his brother, but he didn't have the "Semi teeth."
 They were always touching-- curled up together to sleep.
 Seminole stole many hearts when he came into rescue.   He was so precious.   He was sweet and loving.
 Hurricane was the more timid of the two.
 They loved each other.
 Seminole had a severe bout with pancreatitis in January, but he pulled through.    His kidneys were showing signs of problems, but the numbers were not bad.
 Last week, though, he went to the vet because he had stopped eating.   His kidneys were failing.  We did all we could and hoped he would rally.    He stayed in the vet for treatment, meds and fluids.   He went home to his foster mom's home.  Sherry loved him so much.     We thought being with his brother and at home would help, but over the week-end, he continued to decline.  (He was getting meds and sub-q fluids daily.)   He went back to the vet this evening and Dr. Evans agreed that he was not doing well.   We did a quick blood check on his kidneys and his kidney values had doubled in 3 days.   He had lost 3 pounds in the last few months.   We had done all we could.   We were not going to let him suffer.
His foster mom was devastated and she held him as we let him go.    It was not what we hoped for, but now Seminole is running free, happy, and waiting for his brother to join him-- hopefully, not for a long time.    Pray for his brother, Hurricane.  Seminole, we all loved you.  You touched so many hearts with your sweet face and personality.    Letting you go was so difficult.   You were loved so much.  You will remain in our hearts-- especially your foster mom, Sherry's.    Run free, now little man.


  1. Oh Linda .... I am so sad to read this.

    We send our love and prayers to Hurricane and Seminole's parents.

    Love from the Australian gang .

  2. So sorry about Seminole! I loved his toofers and hoped he would get better. RIP sweet boy!

  3. My heart is broken for you, Hurricane....and for your family. My prayers are with you as you adjust to the loss of your brother, your bed buddy and your soulmate. May the love of your family and their devotion to you comfort you. Sherry, my Georgie left me 2 months ago today.....I will pray for you as you grieve and know my broken heart feels your pain.

  4. so sorry to hear about seminole. these little babies come into our hearts & we just fall in love. even from pictures we can't help but love them. I know he had the best he could have the last few months. It's just never enough time. My little pekes Tucker& China are sending you prayers.

  5. so sorry for the loss of a beloved li'll man .run free
