Thursday, May 7, 2015


 Baby Bit was born 2 weeks ago today.    She is growing and we can see the change in her already.
 At her two week appointment, she found herself in the mirror.    Whoever decided to put mirrors by the table was brilliant.  Babies love it!
 We were out on the porch and Starlight began her baby watch duty.   Starlight loves babies!!    When Beach Bit was small, I had to get two bouncey seats or she would climb into his with him.
 I think Starlight is going to love Baby Bit just as much.
 Chumley is mesmerized with her.   If she makes a sound, he has to check it out.
 Are you okay?
 He's so sweet!
All the grandbits have "bit" names-- and Baby Bit's "bit" name is Sugar Bit.  It was down to Sweet Bit or Sugar Bit-- and I decided on Sugar Bit.
Welcome to the family sweet one!   (I'll probably still use both names-- it was a hard decision!)