Tuesday, May 26, 2015


 Arby and her new brother Raymond, came to the picnic.   Arby was about 8 years old when she came to us in the Bristol 18-- she is now about 13.
  And look at her beautiful coat and smile!
Peggy and Terry just adopted Raymond.   He is ready to party!
 He is such a happy boy and did great at the picnic.
 He's smiling!  I think he saw all the food arriving!
 Mika was there-- she was my foster puppy in 2006.   Wow, she's almost 9 years old now.
 Coltrane was there, but he was too busy meeting and greeting and I couldn't get a face shot.  That's okay-- he was happy!
 Beautiful Penny was there with her mom.    Her colors are so pretty.
Cosme came from Virginia Beach with his mom-- the rest of the group stayed home, but he was all set to meet the other Pekes.   At the end of the day, they were all ready to crash and rest!     More pictures tomorrow!


  1. Boy that was a busy and happy picnic!
    Loving the photos Linda :)

  2. Coltrane had a blast! Thanks for organizing and hosting the picnic!!

  3. Love all those happy round faces!! LOL
