Monday, May 25, 2015


 Chacha and her brother Poncho came into rescue last fall.
 They were from a Maryland shelter and had been loved by their owner-- she could not care for them anymore.  
 They had a wonderful foster home with Jackie and her husband and son.  It was Peke heaven!
 Well, last week, they went to visit a couple who wanted them to join their family.
 ChaCha checked out the bed.  
 The resident Peke, Smokey, checked out the blankets that came with Poncho and Chacha-- Jackie has made blankets for several of our medical Pekes.  Of course, her own fosters each had one.
 Chacha was meeting her new mom.  Look at that dog bed!
 Smokey looked on as they all received a lot of hugs.
 Poncho checked out his new bed--
 Then, he checked out Smokey's bed-- are you going to share?
 I think there are plenty of beds for all of them.
Smokey's face is so sweet!   Poncho looks on as Chacha checks out the window scene.    I know they will be so happy and get the best care and love!     We love homes like this!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to read these two have been adopted but .... I am so jealous of those comfy beds!!! LOL
