Saturday, July 25, 2015


 This has been a rough week-- too many farewells.    But, I did not expect  to write this one.
 Gracie Lu, like so many of our Pekes, was very special.  
 She came to me as a foster in 2008.  She was six years old.
 She had had two previous owners who both had passed away, and she needed a forever home.
 Here she was with her favorite-- and only-- vet, Dr. Carpenter.   Gracie thought the vet was a place she could be loved and pampered.  
 Gracie went to visit Jane and we decided that this was a perfect foster home for Gracie.
 It very quickly became apparent that it was Gracie's forever home.
 Gracie went everywhere with Jane and had all she could possibly need.
 Look at her car seat-- it's magnificent!
 Gracie Lu loved her mom so much-- Gracie even sent me an email telling me how she had saved her mom-- a human who needed rescuing.    Here's what she wrote:   "My name is Gracie Lu and I am a Rescue Dog. My story is how I rescued my Mom.  I have a human friend, Linda, who helps pekingese find their perfect people. One day she told me that she knew a lady who had lost her two little Pekes and that she needed to be rescued. So I suggested that we make a visit to her so that I could see what I could do.  Linda and I drove over to Jane's house and I checked everything out and told Linda that I would just stay with Jane for a bit and see how I could help. Jane was so sad and needed to laugh and have good company (me). I took her places , rode in the car with her and we walked all over the neighborhood and talked to people. I loved on her, wagged my tail a lot and gave her sloppy kisses and she began to smile.  So I told Linda that I would just adopt Jane and she could be my Mom. I'm really good, I make her smile and she walks with me and we are both happy and healthy.
And that's how I rescued my MOM.  Now isn't that a nice story for a little girl like me.
Love, Gracie Lu"
 Gracie Lu had a wonderful life with Jane-- she loved Christmas and hoped all the other rescued dogs had as great a life as she had.  
 She was a happy girl-- she had so much love surrounding her.
We will all miss you, Gracie Lu.  My heart is with Jane -- Gracie was her love and best friend.    Run free, now sweet sweet girl.


  1. Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to read that Gracie Lu is gone! :(

  2. Oh my ..... I was just so shocked and sad when I just opened up my computer right now!

    My heart goes out to you dear Jane.

    What a beauty Gracie Lu was and I know Jane that Ms Gracie Lu was such company for you.
    Gracie will be meet at the Rainbow Bridge by Moi and Lexie and they will look after her.

    Oh Jane ... I am just so sorry for your loss.
