Lexie has discovered the dishwasher and the soft sound of it just amazes her. She is wondering, "what is that noise??"
Her mom takes Sophie on a lot of walks and when it's raining, Sophie wears her raincoat.
It helps, but she still needs a towel when she gets back. She loves her walks, though, rain or shine.
She met her groomer and her babysitter, and they adore her. They could not believe how sweet and loving she is. Her life now is so full of joy! Sophie and her mom love each other so much! I love rescue!! And to make you smile even more, here is Sophie listening to a show on TV. Her hearing is amazing! There were dogs on the show and she could hear them. The head tilts are so cute! Click
here: sophiemoviejuly - YouTube
Oh you can just tell Sophie is so loved now!!!!