Wednesday, July 15, 2015


 I know Sophie is not a Pekingese, but since I have met her and my friend is fostering her, I just had to let you know how well she is doing.  
 Her puppies are growing so much-- their eyes are open and...
 their personalities are coming out.
 The little girl is still more laid back/shy.  
 The boys are starting to play-- with toys and with my friend.   They are adorable!
 Tinsley, one of our adopted Pekes who lives there, is fine when Sophie comes to the yard.    He was caught red-handed-- or is that red-pawed-- digging in the garden.  WHO ME?
Sophie is so precious, so sweet.   I'm a Peke person, but I'd take her if I didn't have so many.  She is just a dollbaby.   I hope they all find fabulous homes!

1 comment:

  1. I remember Sophie and her puppies .... they are growing so sweet.
