Wednesday, August 5, 2015


 Amelia--Meme-- came into rescue in February of 2010.    She was so sweet- and she loves people.
 She was adopted and lives a wonderful life in Richmond, VA.    I am able to go to her house sometimes and have so much fun!
 She has an adopted sister, Magnolia.   Meme found out that one of her eyes needed to be removed.  She had a lot of problems with it.  That's not unusual for Pekes-- their eyes can have issues, and we need to remember they don't have a nose in front of their eyes to protect them.   :-)  Magnolia assured Meme that she would be fine.   Meme is thinking it over.
 Meme did great and has healed really well.    Her left eye had no sight and now it doesn't bother her.
She is on a pile of beds-- I think she wants more!   She is back to her old self and feeling great!


  1. What a beauty Amelia is .... a snow white peke!

    Coco and I are really glad to read she is fit and healthy after that operation.

    You go girl ! :)

  2. You made us all smile this morning, Linda! I sent a link to Amelia's vet - they love it!
    xoxo and tail wags from Amelia and Magnolia
