Tuesday, August 4, 2015


 I can't believe it's been two years since Bennett and his brother, Lu, came into rescue as puppies.
 I did a blog with Lu yesterday, and here's one for Bennett.  He lives with big dogs!    And yes, he rules!
 Bennett's mom's love for Pekes began when her vet rescued a little Peke named Murphy.   He had been brought to the vet to be euthanized because he had skin problems.    !!!???***   Can you imagine!    The vet decided to keep him, but a love for Pekes was born.
 Bennett is adored in his home-- he has so much fun and so many adventures now!  
I think sailing is one of them-- is he the captain?   I imagine he is!


  1. I am telling you .... A Pekingese RULE'S the House !!! LOL

  2. Hearing these stories about Pekes whose owners gave them up to be put down is sad but it never fails to encourage me when someone steps in and sees the potential for a happy ending and fights the very Devil to make sure it happens.

    These babies deserve a real chance at life and it's people like you that gives them the gift. It's a two-way gift because they give and return the love they're shown.

    It's stories like this that make reading the "news" a lot more bearable because the spark of hope here softens the blows that come with every news day. And it's because of the love here girds me for the cruelty humans brings on this world.

  3. Even though I only had Bennett and Lu for a couple days, I fell in love with them instantly and am so glad to see them so happy. Bennett looks great!!!
